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Urban Retreat Sweden

This retreat is designed to help you connect with your inner self, relax and rejuvenate. It offers a peaceful and serene enviroment for you to take a break from your busy life and immerse yourself in the practice of yoga. We also want to create a cozy environment with a focus on togetherness through food and sharings. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, this retreat is tailored to meet your induvidual needs and take your practice to the next level. We have props to share and lunch and dinner is included. See the schedule and information about the teachers below. This event has limited space so please contact us beforehand to check avaliability and for further questions.

Contact us through:
mobile: 0707803004
Also DM us on Facebook or Instagram.

Price: SEK2890. Early bird SEK2560 (until August 1st). This event is not refundable. In case you cannot attend you can re-sell the ticket.

Payment goes through: Bankgiro: 755-14-92, or Swish to the number: 1235 489 026.
If you are coming from abroad, please contact us for information about payment.

Riyas Babu

Riyas Babu is the founder of Satwik. He is a dedicated teacher and a student of Vedanta, with a passion for exploring higher consciousness. Born in a small village in India, Riyas has travelled extensively throughout India at a very young age, gaining knowledge and embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery.

His journalistic career opened new opportunities that allowed Riyas to travel abroad to war-torn Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. The sheer human suffering he witnessed during this tenure convinced him that true liberation can only be achieved through unconventional love. This realization persuaded him to spend more time learning and exploring the ancient philosophy of yoga, studying under different masters in India and abroad.

Riyas’s dedication to yoga and meditation has led him to found our center. As a teacher, Riyas is patient, compassionate, and knowledgeable. He creates a welcoming environment for students of all levels to explore their practice and discover their own path to higher consciousness. Riyas believes that yoga is a journey of self-discovery, and his teachings reflect this philosophy.

Sujeesh Jayakumar

Meet Sujeesh Jayakumar, an insightful yoga teacher with a deep passion for yoga. He has dedicated over ten years to studying yoga under the guidance of many different masters in India. He began sharing his own knowledge and experience in yoga over five years ago.

Sujeesh has developed a versatile teaching style by mixing different styles of asana training, including Kalari and breathing techniques. He is skilled in teaching Hatha, Ashtanga, Pranayama, Adjustment, and Alignment. Born in Kerala, he has a human way of communicating that makes him approachable and easy to learn from.

Sujeesh is a certified Yoga Alliance teacher with knowledge of Ayurveda. He shares all his knowledge in his classes, which are suitable for everyone, regardless of their level of experience. Sujeesh has five years of teaching experience with international students at various schools in India.

9 juni

Concert/Kirtan with international artist Sudhanshu Sharma